Spatial and Material Systems
When it comes to designing, there are methods and/or systems that categorize different ways of approaching specifics of a design. Today, I will be simply defining what I understand by the terms Spatial Systems and Material Systems. I wont be going into too much detail cause I believe there is still somethings I am missing as a student. I'll try to update the information I am sharing once I get a better in depth understanding. For now, I leave just a brief explanation.
Spatial systems in architecture can be defined by the distribution of spaces and how these spaces can vary in shape and size. This system consists of plenty everchanging volumes and surfaces that are adjusted to make living environments. This is to say that by using various methods of design one can create living spaces from common shapes by using different sizes, placements and spacings between shapes.
Material systems, on the other hand, are based on the structure, the surface where it would be built upon and the surrounding environment. Meaning, the systems consists of the physical primary elements of the environment, this ultimately leading to the functionality of the structure within its surface placements. A few examples of these primary environmental elements would be light and time, terrane, gravity, and the space itself.
To summarize, Spatial and Material Systems differ in purposes but work together to create any space. Although, spatial focuses on the structure and its design/construction, and material focuses on environmental surroundings they must be used hand-in-hand to create fully functioning living spaces.
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